If you have been injured while you were at work, it is likely that you had to take unpaid leave in order to recover, and you may have also had to spend a significant amount on medical bills. When you suffer an injury due to your work obligations, your employer has the legal obligation to support you in your recovery through what is known as workers’ compensation.
Workers’ compensation is a type of insurance that most employers are required to have. The insurance should cover all medical expenses that are required in relation to the injury, and it may also cover some of your lost wages.
How can rehabilitation help me in my recovery?
Those workers who are seriously injured may require vocational rehabilitation in order to return back to work. There are many services that help injured workers do this in the state of California. These can help an injured worker to return back to his or her original workplace quickly, or if necessary, vocational rehabilitation can help him or her to find other, more suitable work.
The services generally available in the United States range from on-the job training to job search assistance. If you are not able to return to your current position because of your injury, your company may be able to retrain you so that you can fill an administrative position instead.
If you are struggling to return back to work after an injury and you believe that your rights to rehabilitation are not being respected in the state of California, it is important to assert your rights and take action as soon as possible.
Source: FindLaw, “Rehabilitation Rights of Injured Workers,” accessed June 08, 2018