As a worker in the industrial industry, you will undoubtedly be exposed to numerous harmful chemicals as part of your daily work. Your employer has the legal responsibility to protect you as much as possible from the adverse effects of chemicals used on crops. However, illnesses still do occur as a result of exposure to pesticides at work.
If you have developed an illness as a result of being exposed to pesticides in your workplace, it is likely that you will be eligible for workers’ compensation in the state of California.
What illnesses can occur as a result of pesticide exposure?
The California Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) has conducted thorough research into what illnesses can occur as a result of pesticide exposure. They have found that the person exposed can suffer from symptoms that mirror the intended effect for the pest. For example, if a worker is exposed to a large quantity of pesticide that works to affect an insect’s neurological functioning, the worker may suffer from neurological issues as a result.
How can I claim workers’ compensation as a result of a pesticide-related illness?
If you were exposed to the pesticide while carrying out your working duties, you will likely be eligible for workers’ compensation. This means that your medical costs and some of your lost wages due to medical leave will be reimbursed. You should report your illness to you employer within 30 days of suffering from the illness.
If you want to successfully claim workers’ compensation for an illness due to chemical exposure, it is important to stand up for your rights in order to get what you deserve.
Source: CDPR, “Preventing Pesticide Illness,” accessed June 01, 2018