Attorney Esequiel Solorio is a certified specialist in workers’ compensation law as certified by The State Bar of California Board of Legal Specialization.

Taking action after being denied workers’ compensation

On Behalf of | Aug 10, 2018 | Workplace Injuries

When you suffer from an injury in the workplace, you will likely go through a great deal of suffering and have to pay a significant amount of medical bills when having treatment. It is also possible that you will lose wages as a result of needing to take unpaid leave.

Therefore, most workers in the United States are entitled to workers’ compensation after they suffer from a workplace injury. This means that they will receive compensation for all of the medical bills they had to pay, as well as a contribution toward the wages lost while taking recovery time from work. If you were denied workers’ compensation, it is important to know the next steps that you should take in order to challenge the denial or to understand why it was denied.

The most common reason why workers’ compensation claims are denied

In general, probably the most common reason why workers’ compensation claims are denied is because the injury was not reported within the specified time frame. You must make sure that you report the injury to your employer in writing in a timely manner and file the claim within the deadline.

Can I appeal the workers’ compensation denial?

When you have a workers’ compensation application denied, you will receive an appeals form that you can fill in. Often the appeal process will involve an administration law judge hearing.

If you are having problems successfully gaining workers’ compensation in the state of California, it is important to take action as soon as possible since the application process is very time-sensitive.

