As a delivery driver, you find yourself behind the wheel for a large portion of your day. Even with many years of experience, it only takes one mistake to cause an accident.
Here are three of the most common delivery driver safety risks:
- Re-entering traffic: After you stop to make a delivery, you’ll find yourself attempting to re-enter traffic. Take special caution when doing so, as other drivers may not be paying attention to your vehicle.
- Parking and exiting your vehicle: For example, if you park on the side of a busy road, be careful when exiting, as a passing car could strike you. It’s best to pull as far off the road as possible.
- Maneuvering in tight spots: Delivery drivers often find themselves driving in tight spots, such as back alleys and narrow city streets. Never take a risk, such as attempting to drive down a road that’s too tight for your vehicle. It’s always better to be safe than sorry when maneuvering in tight spots.
Most delivery drivers are never injured in an accident, but that doesn’t mean you’ll be as lucky. Just the same, you could suffer an injury related to your job, such as from lifting heavy items into and out of your truck.
If you suffer an on-the-job injury, regardless of the cause, report the incident to your employer and receive immediate medical attention. Once you have a better understanding of your injuries and treatment plan, consider if it makes sense to file a claim for workers’ compensation benefits. This is something to think about if you’re unable to immediately return to work.