Are you working in one of the most hazardous occupations in California? Workplace injuries are particularly prevalent in certain industries, some of which you may have already guessed.
Within the individual industries that have the highest number of injuries, the types of injuries vary. Worker safety depends a lot on individual workers taking the necessary precautions for security on the job, but sometimes employers are also negligent in protecting the safety of their workers. In those cases, workers may opt to sue for damages due to the negligence that caused their injury. Here are the most hazardous occupations in California and the injuries that typically occur in those industries:
1. Construction
It probably comes as no surprise that the construction industry has one of the highest injury incidence rates in California. The California Department of Industrial Relations reported that construction industry employees experience an injury incidence rate of 3.8 per 100 full-time workers. The highest number of injuries within this category occurs in the area of specialty trade contractors.
2. Farm and agriculture
California has a very expansive farm and agriculture industry. The Department of Industrial Relations reported the category of agriculture, fishing, forestry and hunting as having the highest incidence rate of injuries, at 5.8, surpassing even mining. Heavy equipment used on farms can cause very serious and permanent injuries and disabilities.
3. Hospital workers
Hospital workers have an exceedingly high injury rate in California. Many hospital workers suffer repetitive stress injuries, due to the tasks they perform on a daily basis, such as moving patients, lifting, and bending. The lifting can also lead to sprains and strains, as well as back injuries.
Employees must take work-related injuries seriously. Injuries sustained on the job can create permanent and lifelong complications, and medical bills can mount quickly. Getting the necessary compensation for an injury is critical. California workers’ compensation laws protect employees who sustain injuries on the job. However, it is important to file a claim for workers’ compensation in a timely manner, because deadlines are strict.